Redesign yourself...

Welcome, this is your palette, people! Want to hear from you, so please share what's on your mind...

Friday, December 31, 2010

No time like the last few hours of a year to start your redesign...

Whether it's financial, spiritual, relational or professional the eleventh hour is a fine place to start working on redesigning one's self!

There are four more hours left in 2010, one of the bumpiest years I've ever experienced and yet it's ample time to create a first time blog for myself and YOU. I love it!

This new blog site will become my palette to display the beautiful creations happening in my world: a client's budding new career, new relationships and commitments my clients have shared with me, commissioned paintings I've started/finished, gorgeous clients after they've taken on the courage to boldly show off their new cut and color make-overs.

Visit again and again...there's going to be new additions taking place right here (hopefully weekly, maybe even daily). Who knows, it's design is happening as I write. Take care and see you soon...remember to write!
With a full heart,

1 comment:

  1. You've done some homework, looked at the bio's on websites and found a good hair designer. You want a new look for your 2011 success.

    NOW WHAT!?

    There's an answer...bare with me please. As I've studied elements of redesigning and looking back to 2006 on another site (A Better You Blog),I read a piece by Patricia that stood out and would like to share it with you.
    She said, "Success requires initiative. If you act in business as your elementary teacher trained you, you will never advance. Were you taught to sit quietly when you do your work, only speak when spoken to, respond with expected answers, follow exact instructions without adding any creativity, and let others plan the lessons? To succeed in your personal and professional life, get up and move, be creative, take initiative, suggest new ideas, surprise yourself and others, design your own life, and envision the big plan".

    How does this apply to you and your new 2011 look for success?

    One cliche that follows me through the years is a mind is like a book - it must be open to work. What I hear from mostly new clients is they want a new look, they feel ready - but want to keep their current length, color and layers or lack thereof.

    Your hair designer is an artist (literally, in this case). Try giving her a blank canvas and palette with which to work for you! Whether your goal for aesthetic success is to please yourself, a loved-one or look spectacular within your industry for added accountability (and it's true - we judge others by their appearance), letting go of those decades of unrealistic 'style desires' will free you to acheive that goal! Let a professional guide you, let go of your fear to try something creative...the worst that can happen won't.

    Your thoughts?
